I recently joined a Kinky Bears group on Facebook. As Bears, I think those of us into rubber and leather need to build a much closer knit community. I don’t know about your community, but I know here in Toronto the kinky Bears are far and few between, or keep to themselves. It’s really fucking hard to draw them out to events. Then again, in the days of COVID-19, there are no events.
So I have decided to contribute articles each week to the group.
Upon joining I used an old picture of me holding a piece of (bunny) rabbit fur which I have been known to use in scene and is one of the things that Sir did to me. Here’s the article I wrote about why I choose that picture:
I’m considering writing up something once or twice a week to spur kinky ideas in all of us. *GRIN*
So why rabbit fur? Well firstly, it’s a pervertable and one of the first prevertables I was introduced to. Anyone who knows my Sir knows that it’s a very Sir thing.
Not all BDSM and kink has to hurt right? It can be about sensation and sensory play and that’s where rabbit fur comes into play.
Tie someone up, blindfold them and start doing sensory play on them can bring up some really nice reactions – something I love as a top/dom is pulling out reactions from the bottom/sub.
Believe me – some of the hottest scenes I’ve done have involved lighter touch rather than going in hard. One is not necessarily better than the other, again, for me, it’s about seeing the reaction from the bottom.
Anyone that knows me knows my nuts are sensitive. I often say that I used to come with a manual that said, “Don’t touch my nuts” but over time Sir helped to desensitise them enough so that he could do CBT on them.
Now I’m going to use a word that most Bearish guys fear – shaving! My Sir has me regularly shave my nuts. Now the interesting thing is, that in and of itself gives a really neat sensation. With fur and without is quite different.
Shave you nuts, get tied down, and rub rabbit fur, or any fur, on them and for someone like me, it can be quite something.