Several months ago I was asked by WildCuddler to write a review of the two Fleshjacks I ordered back in April. Three months later, I’m finally posting this to my own blog.
I love sex and courtesy of Sir’s training and the influence of a number of friends who are into edging, a Fleshjack is a natural to add to any sex toy chest. I am all about sexual stimulation, edging and blowing my load. The thought of being tied up and edged with a Fleshjack and being told to hold off from shooting totally turns my crank!
I decided to purchase two Jacks in April when Fleshjack was offering the buy one Jack and get an Endurance Jackfree and also on recommendation. Within three days, the jacks had shipped and arrived at my door in Canada. Amazing for cross-border shopping, all for about the same price as shopping for one Fleshjack at your local porn shop.
I couldn’t wait unpack the jacks and get it on my cock. You don’t want to forget to take out the plastic tube from your jack when it first arrives – you might hurt your member. I started with the Endurance jack. Being uncut and having a very sensitive head, I was a bit nervous about how it would feel but after lubing up the hole, the inside of the Endurance Jack, and my cock, it was a fucking amazing ride. I could hold off, get harder, jack and edge and repeat until I blew a huge load deep into the Fleshjack. Be sure to use water-based lubes as others could deteriorate your toy.
Remember, if you’re going to blow your load in the jack, it becomes a one person toy. Alternatively, you can use condoms but the Fleshjack Care and Usage Guide does specifically say the Fleshjack is designed to be a single person use only toy.
The Endurance Jack has “Stamina masturbation sleeve” is tight, so you feel it on your shaft, and features large bumps to stimulate your head and shaft. If you can learn to hold off blowing your load, then imagine how it’ll feel when you hold off cuming while fucking or jacking off.
The Fleshjack Ice further enhances your experience by having different sensations for different kinds of stimulation, whether it’s for your head or shaft. You get the added visual stimulation with the Fleshjack Ice being clear, so you can see your cock get harder, pulse and shoot a load deep for you to see. Fucking hot!
Between both the sensations are very different – and if you’re into wanting different sensations and experiences, then both the Endurance and Ice Jacks are great examples of the wide range of sensations you can get from Fleshjack.
To keep mine clean, I follow the instructions as provided by Fleshjack – Run warm water through the sleeve and for a deep clean, you can use isopropyl alcohol. I have also turned mine inside out just to make sure it is clean. After that, towel dry or air dry and you’re done. You don’t want to use detergents or soaps as it will deteriorate the surface.
My only criticism of the product is needing to clean and maintain, but hey, a good jack off session that’s long and messy always involves a good clean up.
If you’re into edging from either side, definitely add a Fleshjack to your toy chest.